Time Out Ten
Sammy Davis Jr
Something's Coming
from West Side Story
For this item you need to be able to stop for ten minutes.
We are often moving on to the next job, the next meeting, scrolling down social media, taking the next call ......'Time Out Ten' asks you to stop for ten minutes and listen to a particular piece of music; to find a time when you won't be interrupted, when you can put in/on your headphones and chill out. Ten minutes isn't long.

Who knows? It's only just out of reach
Down the block, on a beach, under a tree
I got a feelin' there's a miracle due
Gonna come true, comin' to me
Stephen Sondheim's lyrics to Leonard Barnstein's tune Something's Coming could be interpreted in many ways within the Romeo and Juliet theme to West Side Story, but they are clearly a message of hope and excitement.
Although the tunes and lyrics are varied in the show, I think those for Something's Coming signal the style of Sondheim we will see emerge in his future work.
Of course there are many interpretations of the song on recordings, but this version by Sammy Davis Jr brings us the skill of his vocals and a fine arrangement for the Marty Paich orchestra.
Something's Coming is uplifting and worth a few minutes time out.
Could it be? Yes, it could
Somethin's comin', somethin' good, if I can wait
Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is
But it is gonna be great